This website was created with WordPress and Elementor Pro.
Mostly because I’m lazy, I’m not a full-fledged developer (nor do I want to be), and I simply don’t have the time to code a website from scratch.
Initially, I tried building it with a Bootstrap template and Notepad++, but I quickly realized that it was turning into a self-made nightmare.
So, I paused, took a deep breath, and asked myself:
What’s the quickest and easiest solution?
Using a pre-made CMS, of course.
Which CMS am I most familiar with?
WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, PrestaShop, and Magento. The last two are for e-commerce, which I don’t need. Joomla isn’t as well-supported these days, and Drupal is too complex for my small website. So, WordPress it is.
However, WordPress’s built-in visual editor leaves much to be desired, so I opted for the Pro version of Elementor. I have plenty of free slots left in my subscription, so why not?
I used the basic “Hello Elementor” theme and avoided installing a ton of plugins. Instead, I started hacking my installation by cleaning up the HTML head and disabling unnecessary features.
These will be the first tutorials on my website—coming soon.