AC Agency
SEO, SEM & More Solutions

AC Agency
SEO, SEM, Web Marketing & Automation

How I made this website

This website was created with WordPress and Elementor Pro.

Mostly because I’m lazy, I’m not a full-fledged developer (nor do I want to be), and I simply don’t have the time to code a website from scratch.

Initially, I tried building it with a Bootstrap template and Notepad++, but I quickly realized that it was turning into a self-made nightmare.

So, I paused, took a deep breath, and asked myself:

What’s the quickest and easiest solution?
Using a pre-made CMS, of course.

Which CMS am I most familiar with?
WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, PrestaShop, and Magento. The last two are for e-commerce, which I don’t need. Joomla isn’t as well-supported these days, and Drupal is too complex for my small website. So, WordPress it is.

However, WordPress’s built-in visual editor leaves much to be desired, so I opted for the Pro version of Elementor. I have plenty of free slots left in my subscription, so why not?

I used the basic “Hello Elementor” theme and avoided installing a ton of plugins. Instead, I started hacking my installation by cleaning up the HTML head and disabling unnecessary features.

These will be the first tutorials on my website—coming soon.

Do you really think this is worth sharing?
Well, it’s up to you...

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